A Blended Learning Experience Focused on Growth

Our focus is on student growth. It always has been. It always will be.

Innovative Curriculum

Our charter school curriculum utilizes a blended learning model that promotes growth for all of our students, regardless of grade level.

  • Live Learning Sessions

    Our qualified teachers spend the majority of their days interacting with students in real-time through our virtual classrooms. The PA Distance Learning technology platform enables a variety of student-teacher communication methods.

    Our live-learning model allows students to engage with their teacher and receive live assistance and feedback. This form of teaching also allows for increased student-to-student engagement as they interact similar to an in-person classroom.

  • Independent Lessons

    The asynchronous portion of our learning philosophy allows students to complete work independently outside of the classroom and, more importantly, at their own pace.

    As questions arise throughout the day, students always have the opportunity to connect with their teacher for assistance.

  • Student Experience

    In addition to traditional charter school academics, PA Distance Learning also offers an array of electives such as music, art, computer science, and foreign language courses.

    There are opportunities to pursue unique electives from hospitality and tourism, veterinarian science, and forensic science to financial literacy courses.

    Students also have the ability to participate in a variety of exciting extracurricular opportunities through our after-school clubs and enrichment programs.

Experience Connection & Learning

Live Learning Sessions allow students to participate with their teachers and classmates in real time in a way they are comfortable with.

Our students are given the chance to socialize with their peers and teachers to develop relationships and build trust virtually. All lessons are recorded, so students can go back and rewatch if they may have missed something. Access to live lesson recordings is also an excellent way for parents and guardians to see for themselves how our virtual classrooms and lessons are run.

Safe, Responsible Technology Use

PA Distance Learning is dedicated to helping students think critically and use technology responsibly to learn, create, and participate. We are certified as a Common Sense School, an honor that recognizes our efforts in teaching digital citizenship to young people, engaging the entire community in this important discussion, and supporting educators who are using technology for learning. The recognition acknowledges our commitment to providing safe and innovative spaces for students to thrive as they harness the full potential of technology for learning and life.

This honor is provided by Common Sense Education, part of a national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology.