PA Distance Recognizes Mental Health Awareness Month


May marks the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Month, a movement developed to promote advocacy and eliminate stigma. Established by Mental Health America (MHA), it is crucial to recognize within our education systems.

According to a 2023 report from MHA, more than 1 in 10 youths in the U.S. are experiencing depression that is severely impairing their ability to function at school or work, at home, with family, or in their social life. Additionally, 60% of youths with major depression do not receive any mental health treatment.PADL-Apr-28-2023-06-25-27-2479-PM

Early identification and accessible resources can significantly lower these statistics.


The SAP and SEL Programs at PA Distance Learning Charter School

There may be times when you just don’t know how to help your child. That’s why every middle and high school and some elementary schools in Pennsylvania have a Student Assistance Program (SAP)

The SAP team at PA Distance comprises school and community agency staff and is available to help families access the services necessary for their students.

If your child is showing any of the following behaviors, it may be beneficial to seek help:

  • Withdrawing from family, friends and/or school
  • Changing friends; no longer spending time with old friends
  • Developing unexplained physical injuries
  • Talking about suicide
  • Showing signs of depression
  • Defying authority, both at home and at school
  • Acting aggressively
  • Lying
  • Needing money without an explanation
  • Exhibiting a sudden drop in grades
  • Experimenting with drugs or alcohol

The SAP Program also assists family members who are concerned about their student’s reaction to the recent death of a loved one, divorce of parents, family relocation, a relationship problem, or other traumatic events.

Members of the Counseling Department at PA Distance hold Google Chat sessions, individual meetings, and weekly check-ins as part of the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program

High school counselors also organize monthly homeroom lessons using Ripple Effects, a set of online programs used to personalize social-emotional skill building, to create a “playlist” with different topics such as stress management, relationships, bullying, and communication styles.


Our goal is to help your child succeed

Understand that PA Distance staff prioritize the safety and mental health of each individual student. Every child deserves the right to receive the help they need.


*Note that we do not diagnose, treat, or refer your child for treatment. Rather, we will provide you with information—you make the choices. Remember, you are part of our team.


Spend Your Summer With PA Distance


Alum Story: The Herr Family