5 Reasons Regular Attendance Is Necessary Within a Cyber Setting

Regular school attendance is vital for students’ academic and social-emotional success. Research shows that when students are chronically absent (missing 10% or more of the school year or 18 days over an entire year), they are less likely to read proficiently by third grade, succeed in middle school, and ultimately graduate from high school, according to the Attendance Awareness Campaign

“The Attendance Team and all staff at PA Distance are here to support each student to ensure they have a successful year,” Attendance Officer Mrs. Nicole Williams explained. “Being present in their classes daily will keep students on track and help build on their skills for what's to come.”

During this September’s Attendance Awareness Month, we focus on the 5 reasons attendance is important at PA Distance:

1. Promotes a Consistent Schedule

PA Distance students have a regular Live Learning Session schedule that provides them with the opportunity to learn and interact directly with their teachers and classmates. Each student has live class multiple times a week, every week, throughout the school year.

2. Helps Students Build Connections with Teachers & Peers

Our Live Learning Sessions (via Zoom) allow students to participate with their teachers and classmates, in real time, in a way they are comfortable. Students are given the chance to socialize with their peers and teachers to develop relationships and build trust. 

PA Distance students are given a variety of opportunities to build connections outside of the classroom, too.

3. Facilitates Academic Success

PA Distance students are required to engage ~5.5 hours (depending on the grade level) of school per day within our blended learning environment, which contains “synchronous” and “asynchronous” forms of education. Students that attend class are gaining valuable knowledge and skills required to achieve success in each subject.

4. Fosters Communication and Collaboration

Teachers and counselors not only monitor each student’s progress but also engage and encourage them along the way. If an issue is identified during live class, teachers and staff will reach out to the student’s parent/guardian to offer additional support to reach a solution.

5. Supports Interests and Possible Career Opportunities 

PA Distance offers students a wide variety of engaging core subject courses, including honors courses, AP courses, world language courses, and unique elective course options. Our classes also have a strong foundation in Career Education & Work (CEW) and help each of our students discover what interests them and what they would like to pursue post-graduation. From computer science to 3-D art, our students have access to courses that might introduce them to a future career path. 

When we take steps to reduce chronic absence as a collaborative effort among parents, students, and the school, it benefits our entire society. Our community thrives when children of all races, ethnicities, genders, of all neighborhoods, or income levels have the opportunity to gain skills and abilities that prepare them for success in school, work, and life.

Additional Support

For additional information about our attendance policy, the support available, and much more, visit our website, email attendance@padistance.org or call (888) 997-3352 option 4 to reach out to the Attendance Team. 

Sources: https://awareness.attendanceworks.org/resources/toolkit-2022/what-are-the-key-messages/


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