How to Nail It: Tips for a Successful Start in Cyber School

by Wanda Crosby, PA Distance Parent

Starting a new school is always an adjustment; starting a new cyber school, especially for the first time, is even more of an adjustment. We were all new at some point, but what follows are 5 tips to help start with success into cyber school with PA Distance Learning.

Start with Eyes Wide-Open

Go into the cyber school experience with your eyes wide-open. What I mean is you are now responsible for ensuring your child attends school, completes and submits daily school work, and creating a successful schedule.  

Coming from a traditional brick and mortar school, one of the biggest lessons for me was realizing my day-to-day routine was now out the window. My daughter succeeding is my first priority.

Don’t be Afraid to Reach Out

At PA Distance, the teachers and staff are on your side in helping your child to be successful, and they provide you with multiple modes of communication with each team member. Whether texting, emailing, chatting, calling, or video conferencing is your style, there’s always way to contact them. 

Prepare to be Patient in Your New Routine

Realize it may take some time to navigate the day-to-day routine and weekly schedule. They key is to be patient and persistent. Try not to let frustration take over, and remind yourself that you chose cyber-school for a specific reason. Give it time, and relax. You can do this, and the school staff is there to help!

Create a Cheat Sheet

Post a page on your refrigerator with your child’s teacher’s names and contact info (or where it can easily be seen). Also, consider making a login and password page for younger children until they learn theirs.

Know Your Resources 

Remember, the school can help meet the needs for any special accommodations for special needs children. If your child is struggling more than is to be expected, reach out to your teacher to see what can be put in place to help your child be their best.


Using Technology to Foster Student Engagement
