Improving Communication Skills in the Virtual World

By Kelly Crooks, English Teacher

In today’s digital world of text-messaging, chatting, hashtagging, and online schooling,  many fear the loss of communication skills and the ability to improve those skills.

The fear that young people’s communication skills will suffer in both their social and professional lives is heaviest among educators and parents, but is this fear legitimate?

Do young people’s communication proficiencies suffer because they live in a virtual world? Does “digital” mean lack of proper speaking and writing?

No matter the mindset of educators, parents, or older generations, “digital” or “virtual” does not have to suggest poor communication; in fact, many researchers would argue that there are no discrepancies at all between communication skills in the digital world and the in-person world.

An article by Drew Hendricks posted on Out Reach claims that strong communication skills are vital in both environments, and that solid communication is important for building strong personal and professional relationships either digitally or in person.  

Hendricks also points out:  “We’re at a strange crossroads where physical and digital communications converge . . . how do they interact with each other?”  Even though much communication has become virtual, it is possible to use those same communication standards in the digital world as we do in the physical world. Communication does not have to suffer now that it has gone viral.

People can continue to practice good communication in any environment, but are we prepared to effectively engage and converse with people in the digital world and keep our communication skills on point?  The following are suggestions for improving communications skills in the virtual world:

Social Media

First, use social media! That’s right,  if you’re looking to improve your writing and expressional talents, then use Facebook, Twitter, and  Instagram more often! These are just a few of the social media outlets where people can express themselves, write, and converse with society. If you’re going to use them, though, be sure to use them properly! Standard English only please!

Text Messaging

Next up, text! Text messaging provides individuals with the opportunity to practice his or her writing skills. Texting has become second nature to most, but simple daily messaging is actually helping people improve their communications abilities. It should be noted that communication will only become stronger if proper English is used!

Video Calling

Live Learning sessions at PA Distance Learning, web conferences, Google Hangouts, Skype, Facetime, and so on are excellent tools to use to practice using strong communication skills. There are hundreds of digital tools that allow people to connect from all over the globe - take advantage! Video calling advances your communication skills and self confidence, and it can help you become a better presenter as well.   Whether it’s your parents using video chat from work, a class at school, or a friend using Hangouts in a different country, video conference as much as you can!

Phone Calls

Don’t forget about old-fashioned phone calling either! Even though it has become the least popular function to use on smartphones, phone calling your family and friends does enhance your communication skills. Chatting with your voice helps you to become a stronger speaker, it increases your self-confidence, and improves your storytelling techniques. When it comes to communication, phone calls should never go out of style!


When possible, write! Writing is a creative outlet that not only is known to reduce stress, but also improves ALL communication skills. Writing is directly related to speaking, so enhancing your writing skills will advance all of your communication skills. How you write, what you write, or the program you use to write does not matter; the only thing that matters is remembering to write in this virtual world.  Whether it’s blogging, journaling, using Google Docs or Microsoft Word for essays and poetry, or some other program, find your comfort zone and write away!

Giving Presentations

Finally, take advantage of giving presentations as much as you can. There is no better way to become a confident communicator than giving a presentation. Formal or informal presentations on topics you enjoy enhance your communication skills because you can practice eye contact, voice inflections, non-verbal gestures,  and speaking properly. Take advantage of any opportunity you have at giving a virtual presentation! Do you have a fear of speaking to groups of people? No problem! Video yourself giving a presentation.

Now that you are on your way to improving your communication skills in this digital world, there is one last thing to keep in mind: always stay in touch! Communication abilities can be only be hindered in the digital world if they are not used. Be creative, and find what works best for you!

Works Cited:
Hendricks, Drew. "How to Improve Communication Skills in a Digital World."
UVM Continuing and Distance Education. UVM Out Reach, 24 Sept. 2014. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.



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